"Better than 90 percent of the energy output of the brain is used in relating the physical body in its gravitational field. The more mechanically distorted a person is, the less energy available for thinking, metabolism, healing."

- Roger Sperry - Nobel Prize Recipient for Brain Research


Then Functional Patterns Training may be a great fit for you. Learn to maximize hydration to your body fascia with biologically appropriate movement that transfers over into daily life improving your quality of life, athletic performance, and pain-free ability at any age. Striving for gym gains does not have to be full of aches and pains. There is such a thing as functional aging.

At New Vision Health we believe that the most valuable way to impact our health at any level is to address posture and movement patterns . This is what we prioritize. The world of correcting posture and movement patterns is best described in the field of biomechanics. The variation of biomechanics practiced at New Vision Health is that of the excellence and precision of the leading biomechanics company in the world, Functional Patterns, by Naudi Aguilar. Functional Patterns is a training methodology that centers around the actions of biologically appropriate movement patterns, which include; standing, walking, sprinting, and throwing. These are the main actions that our muscular system evolved to achieve to ensure our survival over millions of years of evolution and are the very actions that a functional training program should center around to ensure pain-free functional aging and elite performance at any age.


It is chiropractic philosophy that an aligned spine equals a healthy body. We all know that we feel our best when we can maintain good posture. Posture is connected to everything and improving your posture will impact your health in almost every health outcome imaginable.

Why is this? Because good posture is deeply rooted in a functional nervous system. That's right, posture may be the single most important piece to reclaiming your best health, which almost no one is prioritizing.

Your posture is visual feedback of exactly what is going on at the level of the nervous system. The stress that is impacting the nervous system is visual by the way one holds their posture via the spine and joints. The control center of the nervous system, your brain, governs hormonal signalling; hence a poor posture, one in which, the fascia network is poorly integrated and dehydrated throughout the entire body; will affect the type of chemical (hormones) information delivered to all body systems.

Therefore, it is important to recognize that good posture is far more than simply standing taller ; good posture will also impact energy levels, sleep quality, weight loss/gain & metabolism, hormonal balance, emotional well-being, circulation, and joint decompression. Your posture is integral to the function of these processes.


How well one can move, meaning movement with little to no wasted energy, is indicative of their level of health. It is noted that when seniors become refined to a wheelchair or bed their cognitive abilities greatly decline. However, the majority of fitness protocols promote movement without accounting for how humans have evolved to move.

Conventional exercise protocols are ingraining pattern overload to joints and body systems by focusing on isolated movements, excess stretching, and outdated philosophies. Conventional training creates joint instability and further exasperates the already significant joint compression experienced by the body as a result of gravity acting on the body, leading to the onset of joint degeneration. Conventional training & rehab protocols does not account for how the muscular system has evolved, and therefore, caters its movements to the wrong force vectors acting on the body. The motion that humans do the most in their daily life is the gait cycle, if it is done wrong that is going to accelerate degeneration. The exercise movements that we choose should all relate to bringing precision to our gait cycle and our biological evolution. If you want to prevent much of the harsh realities of joint degeneration as you age then training is paramount; more precisely the way we go about that training is the difference maker. Learn to age functionally & perform optimally with Functional Patterns Biomechanics.

Member Results:

Lower Back, Sciatic Pain Gone = Progress 2 Sessions

Right Hip Pain Gone - Progress 10 Sessions

Right Shoulder, Upper Back Pain Gone = Progress 10 Sessions

Scoliotic Improvements - Progress 3 Sessions



The FOUNDATIONS Membership was designed for beginner members who struggle with joint pain, need support, and are curious about how to use functional movement strategies to overcome pain, get fit, and feel at home in their body.


  • Weekly live FOUNDATIONS group coaching class via zoom (beginners material)

  • Minimal equipment needed

  • Train from home or at your local gym

  • Bi-weekly live group Q&A calls with your coach

  • Access to our Members Only Group to connect with peers & for daily support from our coaches

  • Access to the FOUNDATIONS Portal, equipped with:

    • BEGINNER exercise library - with 25+ corrective exercises

    • Beginner nutrition protocols, meal plan, and recipes

    • Beginner Hormonal Mastery Protocols

    • Complete Self-Myofascial Release Guide

    • And more…

VIP PRO Membership:

The VIP PRO Membership was designed for advanced members who love functional fitness, are ready to level up in their training, enjoy our community, and appreciate continued support on their health journey.


  • Weekly live VIP PRO group coaching classes via zoom

  • Learn advanced functional movement strategies to maximize muscle mass, explosiveness, and structural integrity

  • Bi-weekly Q&A for VIP PRO members for continued support with your coach

  • Access to the Members Only Group

  • Access to the VIP PRO Portal, equipped with:

    • ADVANCED exercise library - with 50+ exercise videos & growing

    • Over 15 health guides with easy-to-follow protocols

    • 4-week meal plan

    • 100+ recipes

    • Hormonal Mastery Course

    • And more…

GO PRO DIRECT Membership:

GO PRO with Direct 1 on 1 coaching. This is a personalized coaching program tailored specifically to your own unique body, movement, & lifestyle needs designed to help you master joint pain in only 6 months, while getting fit at the same time. Train at home or on the go with minimal equipment, and without needing to spend hours in the gym. Finally, you can feel at home in your body and excited to move freely without pain.

Note - New Members must complete a minimum of 6 months in the FOUNDATIONS Membership to be eligible to join our waiting list for PRO level group classes and 1 on 1 coaching.


  • Weekly live zoom 1 on 1 sessions tailored specifically for you by your coach

  • 3 - private zoom 1 on 1 consultations with your coach - to develop a specific action plan that works for you & your lifestyle (covering; nutrition, hormonal mastery, and habit development)

  • Direct access to your coach for 24/7 support of health & training related questions (Note - within business hours Monday to Friday - allow 24 hours for response)

  • FREE access to the FOUNDATIONS Group Classes through the duration of your program

  • Access to the complete VIP PRO Membership Portal, equipped with:

    • Advanced exercise directory - 50+ exercise videos & growing

    • Over 15 health guides with easy-to-follow protocols

    • 4-week meal plan

    • 100+ recipes

    • Hormonal Mastery Course

    • And more...

What Our Members Are Saying: range of motion is better now than ever

“So I just saw my arthritis specialist and my inflammation levels are undetectable, my range of motion is better now than ever and all organs are functioning perfectly!!! She said I am doing really really really well!!!!!! Thanks for everything you have done for me I didn’t get here alone.”

Chris Jenkins | Farmer | Humboldt, SK

... Today I could ... get up without hanging onto anything

“I’m so excited! Today I could do the open-leg squat on flat feet and get up without hanging onto anything. Where did that old lady go? She must be wandering around in the field somewhere! Thank you for your part in my recovering to good health. Have a blessed and beautiful day!”

Sandra Ambler | Interior Design | Edmonton, AB

... I am supposed to be called for surgery this fall, but I’m NOT going to do it

“Thank you for your help with regard to my shoulder and lower back. I was told that your program would be able to help alleviate the pains I was going through after a complete Supraspinatus tear on my left shoulder, but was skeptical you could help me. I am supposed to be called for surgery this fall, but I’m not going to do it. My shoulder feels better than the other shoulder I had repaired in 2015. My flexibility has improved immensely, and I have no more pain.”

Dale Niebrugge | Farmer | Humboldt, SK

... my headaches are almost nil

“I suffer with chronic headaches. Since I’ve been working with my coach my headaches are almost nil. Also, I noticed I stand straighter and breath so much easier.” Mae Korte | Cleaning Service | Humboldt, SK

Functional Patterns Training FAQs

Are there risks of having good posture?

No, the risk of poor posture and poor movement is far superior to any risks of having good posture and pristine movement capacity. Generally, a good, decompressed, and well-integrated muscular system, presenting great posture, is going to be a body that is in a pain-free and energetic state.

What is biomechanics?

At New Vision Health, biomechanics is the physical exercise training that we do to improve posture and movement asymmetries. Biomechanics is the study of human movement and the different force vectors that act on the body when it is exposed to different positions. Biomechanics can be used to address patterns of pain in the body that are acquired through dysfunctional movement mechanics and contribute to poor posture.

Is posture genetic?

Yes, there are genetic components that contribute to the posture and movement asymmetries that you may have. That, however, does not mean that you are stuck with those asymmetries. When adopting biologically appropriate movement habits that center around the actions of standing, walking, running, and throwing with a Functional Patterns Practitioner to hold you accountable during movement, and to spot your asymmetries, then these energy leaks in the body are capable of being resolved. Smooth, effortless movement and stable decompressed posture will be the results you are left with.

What is Functional Patterns?

Functional Patterns is a type of biomechanics methodology, that uses biologically appropriate movement (stand, walk, run, throw) to address posture and movement asymmetries that cause pain and dysregulation in the body. There are different types of biomechanics techniques. The type of biomechanics methodology that New Vision Health practices are those methods developed by Functional Patterns, who are the leaders in the Biomechanics field. Using this approach, we address biomechanics issues according to the ability to sprint and throw as markers of peak human performance.

What affects posture and gait?

Gait (human movement) and posture can be affected by a variety of reasons, but typically, the most common in our modern world is pattern overload. Pattern overload refers to habitual actions that are repeated over and over for days to years and are common in modern living due to the requirements of our careers, sports, and leisure activities. The body's anatomy will morph to, and, cater to, the pathways of least resistance as the brain provides the muscular system with information, as to how it should complete a movement task and hold itself in space based on the amount of repetition performed in activities of daily life. The overuse of neuromuscular pathways by repetitive, unconscious, movement result in calcification (dehydration) of body tissues and leads to eventual degenerative posture and gait mechanics that can contribute to pain and body dysregulation.

What equipment is used for Functional Patterns Training?

We use an abundance of equipment in Functional Patterns including; dumbbells, kettlebells, macebells, paraballs, landmines, slam balls, resistance bands, and more. The majority of our training is completed using a weighted cable machine or resistance bands.

Is biomechanics hard?

Biomechanics can be challenging as it is deliberately training the neuromuscular pathways, fascial lines, and planes of movement that have often been underused in daily life and by most conventional training programs. Therefore, it can be a very eye-opening, and rewarding experience, even to an elite athlete or experienced gym goer to realize just how much more functional capacity there is to unlock in the body for performance. Due to its regenerating nature to posture and gait, biomechanics training is necessary and achievable for a wide variety of people including; children, the elderly, the disabled, injury-prone, regular Joe, and the elite athlete.

Does Functional Patterns work?

The results speak for themselves. Follow Functional Patterns (@functionalpatterns) on any of their social media platforms, as well as, also checking out the results that New Vision Health ( and @angela_baran_hf) has achieved on posture and gait, while using Functional Patterns methodology, to determine for yourself the incredible effects of the method.

Do you offer online training? What equipment do I need?

Yes, we offer online training programs. If you are opting into online training then we require that you purchase a basic set of resistance bands and 1 hex rubber dumbbell. We recommend that most women start with 10lbs and most men start with 15lbs.

I want to improve my flexibility and mobility. Will Functional Patterns training help?

Yes, training our gait cycle (stand, walk, run, throw) is the best way to improve flexibility and mobility without subjecting your body to an excessively lengthened state of the muscle tissues, tendons, and ligaments that can lead to further joint instability and more pain down the road. Instead, you acquire enough mobility and flexibility all relative to an appropriate degree of range of motion for each joint.

Is posture important?

Yes, New Vision Health, we believe that posture and proper movement mechanics are the single most important factor to lead a life of incredible health. The posture you have is a direct reflection of the state of well-being in the nervous system because the quality of spinal alignment demonstrates where there are energy leaks, not only in the physical structure, but also, in the nervous system. Posture quality demonstrates this because the spinal cord and all innervating nerves run through the spinal column from the base of the skull to the tailbone. The nervous system (brain, spinal cord, nerves) governs all bodily functions. Therefore, posture is not only about standing taller, but more importantly, about your capacity to function well in the following; mood, memory, focus, rest and sleep, energy, hormonal signaling, digestion, assimilation of nutrients, metabolism, immune function, and so much more. From a physical standpoint, the quality of posture and movement mechanics are a major contributor to chronic joint pain and degeneration, age-related symptoms, nagging muscular aches and tension, and reoccurring injuries. Fix your posture and movement mechanics to reclaim your health and function.

Is gait analysis worth it?

A gait analysis is a service that New Vision Health offers clients during their initial consultation to pinpoint the asymmetries and degenerative movement patterns that are specific to the individual being assessed. We then use this information to construct a personalized Functional Posture Training routine, while making suggestions of where you can best get started with rehydrating your body with Myofascial Release MFR. The results of the gait analysis are often very eye-opening to our clients as we detect what is causing their pain and health-related issues.

What are functional movement patterns?

Functional movement patterns for humans are movements that take into consideration the reason for which each muscle, bone, and joint evolved. The functions to which our anatomy evolved were to stand, walk, run, and throw. Therefore, the most functional movement training program will be one that is built around these four actions.

Wait a minute, I am not capable of sprinting or throwing in my current condition, is Functional Patterns still for me?

Not only are you capable; Functional Patterns training is designed exactly for you! The training methodology centers around gait mechanics (stand, walk, run, throw). These are biologically appropriate movements for all human beings from elite athletes to average joes, to the everyday working citizen, to mothers and fathers, children, teens, the elderly, and especially those suffering from chronic pain. Rarely do we exert ourselves in a full-out sprint, rather our programming is based on breaking down the mechanics of running and throwing across hundreds of different exercises that teach your muscular and skeletal systems how to properly integrate with the nervous system, ultimately leading to better posture. It is not required that you can sprint or throw or even have any level of athleticism at all to complete Functional Patterns training, but by the end of the training program, you will be well on your way to athletic feats you didn’t think possible for your condition and age.

Is a posture corrector good?

No, in our opinion a posture corrector is a waste of money and causes more harm than good as it is doing nothing to promote the re-tensioning of your muscular system and promotes a hyper-flaccid (unstable) joint positioning. This would be another example that focuses on 'symptom' treating, rather than 'system' treating.

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*The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration, Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Health Canada or any other medical body. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. The Information shared on this website and affiliated pages is for educational purposes only. You must consult your doctor or healthcare professional before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition. The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of New Vision Health unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of New Vision Health and its community. New Vision Health encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.