Only Available In Humboldt, SK

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New Vision Health is a Functional Medicine Practice. We specialize in Nonsurgical Deep Tissue (NDT) Therapy. NDT is a specialized, cross-fiber technique , that works at the level of scar tissue, crystallization, and displaced calcium in your organ and muscle tissues. What we often do not realize is that scar tissue, crystallization, and calcium displacement are the common big drivers of aging, disease processes, and many ailments we currently experience . Scar tissue is also the body’s protective mechanism when an injury is obtained or with the onset of tissue atrophy.

NDT is a very powerful bodywork method developed, based on the knowledge, excellence, and precise techniques that Dr. Darrell Wolfe Ac. Ph.D. DNM. DHS . has developed for over 40 years. We treat the so-called untreatable. Where other therapies fail, Nonsurgical Deep Tissue succeeds. Through this approach, our goal is to provide you with the training necessary (information and skills) to master your health once and for all.

At New Vision Health, we have created a program that helps support you, as you incorporate, new, anti-inflammatory lifestyle habits into your day to reclaim your health. The New Vision Health Program specializes in nutrition coaching, circadian health, and posture & joint regeneration leading to chronic pain. We want to help get you closer to pain-free living so that you can enjoy this adventure we call life. We learn to look at the disease & aging process in a new way where you have far more power than one realizes to restore your body. There is always something that can be done to improve our circumstances. We do not have to be limited to our diagnoses unless we choose to be. Nonsurgical Deep Tissue Therapy will release nerves bound and choked by scar tissue, and will instantly relieve irritation and inflammation.

Do You Suffer From The Following?

  • TMJ Problems

  • Frozen Shoulder

  • Fibroids

  • Arthritis

  • Recurrent & Nagging Injuries

  • Hormonal issues, Low Testosterone, PMS, Cramping, Endometriosis, Infertility

  • Low Immune System

  • Sinus Problems

  • Spinal or Disk Problems

  • Hiatal Hernia

  • Feeling like Aging is Taking Over

  • Gut Inflammation, IBS, Crohn’s Disease, and other gut issues

  • Neurological Stress

  • Caesarian Section Pain

  • Pelvic Floor Pain & Weakness

  • Slowed Recovery

  • Joint Degeneration and Chronic Joint Pain

  • Loss of Balance, Mobility, and Function with Aging

  • Scoliosis

  • Chronic Fatigue

  • Sciatica

  • Chronic Pain & Fibromyalgia

  • Urinary Tract Problems, Incontinence

  • Requiring joint replacement surgery


It is estimated that the average person will have 9.2 surgeries in their lifetime! According to, the National Institute of Health, 7 million people will suffer from post-surgical complications per year, with 1 million of those resulting in deaths.

A cohort study from the Journal of Medicine, "Incidence and risk factors for development of persistent post-surgical pain following total knee arthroscopy", estimates that persistent post-surgical pain (PPP) occurred in up to 44% of patients. This means 44% of patients who opted for knee surgery due to late-stage chronic arthritic pain ended up with worse long-term and chronic pain than before the surgery. This study also suggested that varying types of peripheral nerve blocks were associated with greater odds of developing PPP after surgery.


What this study suggests is that the level of scar tissue adhesions blocking off nerve supply before surgery increased the risk for persistent post-surgical pain. How well does Grandpa move? He is stiff as a board after a lifetime of high stress, toxic living, and poor movement patterns.

Scar tissue forms a physical block cutting off adequate circulation to body systems. When the cells in the tissues are starved of adequate blood flow they begin screaming out in pain. This is why there is such a risk of developing worse pain after surgery than before surgery.


Surgery is not your only option. Pain meds are not your only way to cope. You do not have to learn to just manage your pain. You can thrive. New Vision Health can help!


Aging and acquired injuries are driven by poor movement patterns, toxic living, and high stress that is accumulated over time. In response, the body tissues (muscles, organs, tendons/ligaments) dehydrate. This dehydration of the tissue leads to increased onset of scar tissue, crystallization, and calcification of the joints, muscles, and organs. Scar tissue adhesions act like a web that branches out to strangle and cut off sufficient circulation (blood & lymph flow) to the body systems. In the case of sensation, when the nerve is claimed to be "dead", this is often not the case. The nerve is simply being strangled by scar tissue and so is no longer visible on diagnostic media. This means we can restore sensation to the nerve by restoring the scar tissue to healthy connective tissue and restoring circulation to the area. Furthermore, the experience of pain is simply the result of body cells being starved of adequate blood supply long enough , via the presence of scar tissue, that the cells finally reach a threshold and scream out for attention.

The crazy thing is that as people age, they are often totally unaware of the subtle loss of sensation and the onset of stiffening. We might recognize that we don't seem to recover as quickly as when we were younger, but because the development of scar tissue is a gradual protective mechanism, we are often unaware of the full extent of our loss of function & feeling. Suddenly, it is as if we can no longer bend down to put on our socks, but this is chalked up to "getting older"... this is reversible...there is such a thing as FUNCTIONAL AGING.

NON-SURGICAL DEEP TISSUE THERAPY is a specialized body work technique to carefully target the scar tissue adhesions, crystallization, and displaced calcium nodules around joints and throughout the muscle/organ tissues . If you are tired of dealing with nagging pain, irritating health issues, and feel as if aging is taking over your life, then let NEW VISION HEALTH give you the help & guidance to finally break through the scar tissue blocks that are keeping you from true function and vitality.⁠

NONSURGICAL Client Testimonials:

...I rely on Angela to help me live a full and complete life

“Angela is an intelligent and holistic practitioner. I have received Nonsurgical Deep Tissue Treatments from her for almost 2 months and along the way also discussed how functional movement, evolutionary biology, nutrition, and circadian rhythms all work together to affect our health and well-being. Through our discussions, and her recommendations, I have implemented lifestyle changes – for example, using red light bulbs at night - and have experienced improved movement, reduced back pain, and better sleep. As someone who enjoys living an active lifestyle (hiking, lifting, sailing), I rely on Angela to help me live a full and complete life. I am continuing my journey with Angela receiving Nonsurgical Deep Tissue Treatments and am excited to delve more deeply into how I can improve my functional movement. I highly recommend Angela to anyone who cares about living their best life.”

Mariam Gill | Business Consultant | Edmonton, AB

... Within 2 treatments I knew this was what was going to work for me

“After 9 years of dealing with 2 herniated discs and $50K worth of treatments of every kind over the years trying to live with my injury I stumbled upon Angela’s services. Within 2 treatments I knew this was what was going to work for me I’ve been in less pain and less reinjuries and hopeful to be able to know of a treatment that works for more than 2 days.”

Cody Niebrugge | Mechanic | Humboldt, SK

... I was able to get in to see Angela within a few days.

“In the early part of February 2022 I slipped and fell on my back from 6 feet up. I sustained a whiplash, based on medical diagnosis, that was equal to or more serious than the other 2 whiplashes I’d received in the 2 motor vehicle accidents I was in. In those two cases, it was well over 1 month and my whiplash conditions had only subsided with conventional therapies. I was able to get in to see Angela within a few days. 3 weeks and three, 2-hour sessions with her and I was back to work. I had also received 3 chiropractic adjustments in that time frame as well! Awesome job, Angela! Way to go!”

Randy Korte | Humboldt, SK

Nonsurgical Deep Tissue FAQs

Where is your office located?

New Vision Health is located near Fulda, SK. Please call 1-866-335-4144 for more detailed directions.

What is Functional Medicine?

New Vision Health is a functional medicine, rehabilitative program, over the course of 12 to 24 months. Our goal is to create an environment that helps tackle chronic pain and inflammation in the body, while teaching the client the skills necessary to be able to continue to make progress and thrive on their own. We want to create a healing environment that is well accompanied by educational instruction. It is our goal to equip the client with the lifestyle skills needed to become completely independent of their practitioner, while helping to assist in accelerating their healing journey. Our program focuses on lifestyle consultation, full body Nonsurgical Deep Tissue Therapy (NDT), and Biomechanics Corrective training.

Do you offer full body treatments?

No, Nonsurgical Deep Tissue Therapy (NDT) is a specialised technique that delivers the best results by working one body area at a time. This is to ensure maximum restoration of circulation is achieved to the tissues being worked in that session. If we were to do a full body treatment that would feel abusive to the individual as it would result in far too much detoxification for one day and the healing process would feel overwhelming. However, New Vision Health differs in that it is a program meant to address the body in its entirety, as a whole system. Therefore, you can be assured that over the course of the program, NDT treatment and Biomechanics Corrective Exercise, will address the issues plaguing your entire body, not only where symptoms arise.

Are there any other sensations I could experience?

Occasionally, sensations of nausea, light headedness, dizziness, and tingling may arise during treatment. These sensations typically subside in a few minutes and are commonly a sign of excessive emotional trauma in the body area, a rush of circulation to the body area(s), an overwhelming amount of release and central nervous system excitement for that individual. Therefore, it is a sign from the body that it may be best to taper back the intensity and allow the CNS to rest back at homeostasis. In which case, the energy medicine devices, such as; the infrared sauna dome and Chi Machine help create a relaxing and calming environment for the individual to enjoy.

Can I cover these treatments under my group benefits or insurance?

New Vision Health is certified by the Board of Natural Medicine Doctors and Practitioners who are not affiliated with any governing body that discriminates against natural and holistic therapeutic modalities. Therefore, as to not compromise the scope of our practice we do not affiliate with any insurance entity. Our results however are like nothing else. The results speak for themselves, and we welcome you to check those out on our social media platforms & @angela_baran_hf, as well as the results posted by fellow practitioners in the biomechanics field @functionalpatterns, whose methodology we base our work. We pride ourselves in offering a regenerative health program that equips our clients with the skills and knowledge necessary to become their own practitioner, beat chronic pain, and get off the vicious cycle of treatment-to-treatment care. By following our protocol, you will free yourself of maintenance care and move forward to real vitality.

What do I wear to the appointment?

Wear something comfortable that you can move easily in. You will only be asked to remove clothing of the body area being worked. Blankets and towels will be provided as needed.

I felt quite sore, tender, and bruised after my treatment? Is this normal?

Yes, it is typical, though not necessary, to experience bruising, tenderness, and swelling post treatment. These experiences depend on the individual and what their toxicity/trauma level was coming into the treatment. Commonly, the first 1 to 3 treatments tend to be the most intense for the individual and as such, require the most time (5-7 days) to fully recuperate that area from treatment.

Is it wise to return back to my usual exercise routine right away?

Post treatment our recommendation is to take 1 to 2 days to rest. Light and gentle exercise is still a great idea to help further facilitate lymphatic circulation post treatment. However, once partaking in the Biomechanics Corrective Exercise protocols, it is our recommendation that you cease to participate in any traditional forms of exercise (i.e. weightlifting, cardio, biking, sports, yoga, etc.) for the duration of that portion of the program. This is to ensure that your body can fully integrate new movement patterns, create new communications with the central nervous system (CNS), and can optimally eliminate old degenerative pain causing movement habits. Keep in mind that during this portion of the program you will be partaking in Biomechanics Corrective Exercise and thus, still meeting your daily exercise requirements.

Will I be able to return to work after my treatment or should I take some time off?

Yes, you will be able to return to your usual daily activities after treatment. We do however, recommend, “being gentle with yourself”; meaning it is preferable to not plan extremely demanding tasks and responsibilities for the day or two that follow treatment. Especially if it is your first treatment. This is because it is always best to allow the body time to integrate the changes happening at the level of the Central Nervous System (CNS) and, as well, to allow time for the body to complete detoxification of the body area(s) worked. These events can feel like a real workout to the body so until you personally know how you respond to the treatment, then overall it is best to opt for a more easeful agenda if possible.

Can I pay with Credit or Debit?

Yes, we use Square Up to accept chip or tap payments for credit and debit cards. We also accept cheque, cash, or Etransfer.

How is this different from other types of Deep Tissue techniques?

Nonsurgical Deep Tissue (NDT) is far from conventional massage or other deep tissue techniques. Often these other modalities rely on the hands and fingers to apply pressure, however the amount of depth that the hands and fingers can reach is limited by their strength. Although each therapy has its own place, when it comes to addressing stored trauma, joint and postural degeneration, and chronic pain then deep work is required. NDT is an elbow technique that not only applies pressure, but also uses a cross fibre technique optimal for restoring the spaces between muscle fibres. NDT is capable of working into the nooks and crannies of joints to break apart crystallisation and calcified deposits. Through this method, NDT helps optimise the amount of circulation that can reach the tissues to aid in lymphatic drainage, restore muscle fibre sensitivity response, and greatly decrease chronic pain brought on as the result of total body inflammation and joint degeneration.

Do you have any suggestions that would help me during the treatment?

Yes, number one, stay well hydrated. It is a good rule to consume 3-4 litres of water daily. Before treatment aim to consume 1 litres of water within 2-3 hours of your session and do the same post treatment. Consider adding ¼ tsp. sea salt to your water to balance your electrolyte levels. You can initiate the movement of the lymphatic system with gentle exercise and/or dry skin brushing. However, the more you embrace a healthy lifestyle by minimizing toxins in both what you consume and, in your environment, as well as, working with your stress response, will help pave the way for you to experience a relaxing and easeful treatment.

Are these treatments ever relaxing?

Yes, these treatments become very relaxing once we get that nagging toxicity and stored traumas out of the way. Regardless of what stage you are at we can always taper off in intensity to suit the level of release that works best for you. Every session is always finished with energy medicine time, in which, you get to enjoy the lymphatic effects of the Chi Machine and the warm soothing heat of our infrared sauna dome. This allows time for complete rest and relaxation to process the treatment and feel ready to go at the end of your session.

Is it normal to feel tired and/or cold or anything else physical after treatment?

Yes, feelings of cold and fatigue after treatment typically represent stored trauma releasing from the body tissues in the body area worked. These feelings can be localized to the body area being treated or noticed as a full body sensation. It is simply an indicator from your body that your treatment was a big workout for you and that your body now requires some time to further process the changes, continue to detoxify, and rest to integrate the new changes on a physical and emotional level.

Are these treatments painful?

These treatments have the potential to be quite intense depending on the level of toxicity and emotional trauma stored up in the tissues of the body area we are working. However, it is not necessary to push to a 10 out of 10 intensity for the entire duration of the treatment. We go at the pace that the client is willing to release at. Periodically, as their body is ready, we increase the intensity for a moment and then fall back to neutral. Due to the nature of the cross-fiber technique, we can still achieve a great deal of release without having to amp up into great intensity for the entire session. We follow your body’s lead; you are in charge.

How can I book my Nonsurgical Deep Tissue appointment?

Simply call us at 1 (866) 335-4144 and we’ll schedule a date and time that works best for you!

Is it normal to have an emotional reaction during treatment?

Yes, any emotional response is totally normal. Sometimes anger and rage, sometimes sadness and tears, sometimes anxiety and worry will physically surface themselves as we are working through a body area. This can be a tough concept to wrap our heads around until we have witnessed or experienced it for ourselves, otherwise it all seems a bit too “woo-woo” for our belief systems to contemplate. Keep in mind that trauma stores in the body tissues, within the cells; as cellular memory. When our body experiences stress (of any sort) it internalizes it as a stored memory in the tissues in order to know how to behave next time the stressor is present. In this way our nervous system is affected by the emotional traumas, that hence effect our physiology, as our nervous system is predominantly trapped in a fight or flight state. Therefore, the consequences of improperly processed stress effects us in both the short and long term of our health.

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*The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration, Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Health Canada or any other medical body. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. The Information shared on this website and affiliated pages is for educational purposes only. You must consult your doctor or healthcare professional before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition. The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of New Vision Health unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of New Vision Health and its community. New Vision Health encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.